Title: The Forerunner
Chinese Title: 问苍茫 / Wen Cang Mang
Broadcast Network: CCTV, Mango TV, Youku
Broadcast Date: 12 December 2023
Genre: Biographic
Director: Wang Wei
Screenwriter: Chen Jin, Liang Zhen Hua, Weng Liang Ping, Han Chen Chen, Hu Ya, Yan Xi
Episodes: 32
The Forerunner Synopsis
This play tells the story of how Mao Zedong, a young man who returned from the First Congress of the Communist Party of China from 1921 to 1927, was worried about where the Chinese nation would go. The historical story of “passerby” and “early traveler”, growing from a follower to a forerunner and pioneer, and exploring the correct path of the Chinese revolution.
From developing league members and party members to launching the labor movement, from the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to resolutely fighting the right wing of the Kuomintang, until going into the fields and measuring the significance of the peasant movement to the Chinese revolution with his steps, the young Mao Zedong always adhered to Marxism and Lake The essence of Hunan culture is to grow upward, take root downward, dare to be the first, and unite knowledge and action. “Ask the boundless earth, who is responsible for the ups and downs?” This is the way of inquiry and exploration by the young Mao Zedong and his colleagues, which opened up a vast new horizon for the Chinese revolution.
The Forerunner Cast
Wang Ren Jun as Mao Zedong
Ning Li as Chen Duxiu
Bai Ke as Jiang Jieshi
Tang Zeng as Li Dazhao
Jia Ze as Yang Kaihui
Ma Shao Hua as Sun Zhongshan
Li Cheng Ru as He Minfan
Shu Yao Xuan as Luo Lao
Zhang Xiao Long as Wang Jingwei
Huang Xiao Lei as Gao Jun Man
Dong Xuan as Song Ailing
Tan Kai as Zhao Hengti
Huo Qing as He Shuheng
Liu Jie as Xiang Zhenxi
Jiang Meng Jie as Song Meiling
Wang Mao Lei as Dai Jintao
Chen Chuang as Hu Hanmin
Li Qiang as Cheng Xusheng