Chinese Drama: I Am the Years You Are the Stars(Liu Haikuan and Estelle Chen Yihan)

我是岁月你是星辰 / Wo Shi Sui Yue Ni Shi Xing Chen
Title: I Am the Years You Are the Stars
Chinese Title: 我是岁月你是星辰 / Wo Shi Sui Yue Ni Shi Xing Chen

Broadcast Website: Tencent

Broadcast Date: December 9, 2021

Genre: Fantasy, Modern, Romance

Language: Mandarin

Episodes: 24

Director: Chun – Man Wong

Production Company: Tencent Penguin Pictures, Xingjudianwenhuachuanmei

Origin: China


The fates of a young woman afflicted with a strange disease and a mysterious fashion designer change because of a bizarre accident. Two people who never would have met otherwise cross paths in the same time and space. Can the two lovers keep each other in their own world?

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