Drama: The Disappearing Child (Tong Dawei, Wei Chen, Yu Wenwen, Lisi Danni)

Title: The Disappearing Child

Chinese Title: 消失的孩子 / Xiao Shi De Hai Zi
Broadcast Network: Hunan TV
Broadcast Website: MGTV
Broadcast Date: August 29, 2022
Genre: Suspense
Language: Mandarin
Episodes: 12
Screenwriter: Qin Haiyan, Ye Heng
Production Company: Mango TV, Hunan TV, Mango Excellent Media, H. Brothers
Executive Producer: Tang Fan, Liu Pingping, Zhou En
Producer: Xiong Xinyan, Xie Yingying
Origin: China
Source: Adapted from the novel Hai Kui (海葵) by Bei Ke Bang


In the early morning of the winter solstice, Yang Yuan was preparing to send his son to school as usual, but his son mysteriously disappears in the corridor.
While searching for his son’s whereabouts, Yang Yuan encounters an even bigger mystery. Yuan Wu, a decadent man still living with his father, actually leads a double-sided life while pretending to be decent. Landlady Lin Chuping suddenly moves out in a hurry. These seemingly unrelated strangers have overlapping connections. With the disappearance of the child, a series of secrets of love and redemption gradually emerge.

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