Title: Yu Ci Xiao Shi Wei
Chinese Title: 御赐小侍卫 / Yu Ci Xiao Shi Wei
Broadcast Website: Tencent
Broadcast Date: August 11, 2022
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Short Drama, Time Travel
Language: Mandarin
Episodes: 20
Director: Chen Chuan, Liu Lu
Origin: China
It tells the story of a young guard who turns into a charming wife after travelling through time and space to hunt down the crown prince who has run away.
Mo Linchuan, the prince of the Great Food Country hid inside a closet in an attempt to escape his own marriage. He then comes to the world 300 years later and starts his own business to become the president of a food company. However, his life is disrupted by Su Fanfan, a guard sent by his emperor father and she’s determined to bring him back home. During the chase, Mo Linchuan develops feelings for his loyal little guard.