Title: Pretty Boy
Chinese Title: 君子如玉 / Jun Zi Ru Yu
Broadcast Network: iQiyi
Broadcast Date: 28 November 2024
Genre: Historical, Romance
Director: Hua Yuan, Yang Tai
Screenwriter: Hua Yuan, Zhang Hua, Hua Su Shan
Producer: Chen Ze
Production Company: CN Movie
Episodes: 24
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Pretty Boy Synopsis
The story of Qingcai, a former prince who hides his real name, who has to disguise himself as a woman to sneak into Mingyi Villa, which is full of women, in order to find the whereabouts of his missing adoptive father. He meets Gan Pu, a female hero from Momen, who also comes to seek revenge. After experiencing a series of embarrassing trials as a disciple, the two go from being strangers to fighting together with a small team in the villa to fighting the enemy, upgrading and fighting monsters along the way, and gaining love and redemption.
Pretty Boy Cast
Guan Hong as Qing Cai
Zheng He Hui Zi as Gan Pu
Zhu Zan Jin as Wang Yishao
Wang Zi Jia as Han Aizhen
Jiang Meng Xuan as Gao Yin
Zhao Xuan He as Hong Hui
Yin Xi Xi as Hu Qiao