Title: Girls, Let’s Defy Fate
Chinese Title: 拜托了,花戎少女 / Bai Tuo Le, Hua Rong Shao Nv
Broadcast Network: Tencent
Broadcast Date: 11 October 2024
Genre: Youth, Friendship
Director: Liu Qi Jia
Episodes: 48
Girls, Let’s Defy Fate Synopsis
Two girls, Cai Xiao’ai, who is battling a terminal illness, and Gu Enzhao, a cold and distant girl, come together despite their fates. As they struggle with life’s challenges, friendship, family, love, and their future, a hidden conspiracy begins to unravel around them.
Girls, Let’s Defy Fate Cast
Sun Rui as Cai Xiaoai
Dai Meng as Gu Enzhao
Zhou Zhao Yuan as Song Canhe
Xiong Yi Wen as Lu Haoyu
Fei Xin Yuan as Jin Keke