This review on Love’s Rebellion starring Jing Tian and Zhang Linghe will be a short one. I don’t have much to say about this drama and it might sound like I’m being a critic on this one. Let’s get straight to the review.

I have to start by saying I’m not a fan of this drama. It didn’t meet my expectations and I’ll explain everything. This drama should have been 24 episodes longs instead of having 36 episodes. The first 12 to 16 episodes were nothing but a waste of time if you ask me. They were just playing around the same thing over and over again. The comedy was too much and I really didn’t get the story. The story was weak and I didn’t have anything to look forward to, I was just watching for the sake of watching. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of most of the characters in this drama and I do wish them to pull out good project. This project was weak for them, it didn’t do much for their reputations.
The story lacked a strong foundation. I wouldn’t say the story was all over the place or something like that. It just didn’t have something tangible to convince you to watch the drama. These first 12 to 16 episodes where such a drag for me and I even started fast forwarding most parts because they were useless to me. I also have to mention the background sound and ad-libs that were added for the comedic purposes, they were annoying. It was after the three years time skip where the story felt like a story. It had some direction, but it was still lacking. Maybe it was because of the weak foundation at the beginning, but I gave it a chance. This was a point where I asked myself why did they go for 36 episodes when the real story begins at episode 16 or 20? Such a time waster if you ask me.
The introduction of new characters created a new plot. The main characters also got a huge character development, which is one of the best character developments. From then on, it was all about investigating the death Nan Yan’s mother. Speaking of Nan Yan’s mother, she’s looked more like a little sister to Nan Yan than a mother. So that was the case for the entire drama, Nan Yan’s mother and Ji Yang’s incident. Nan Yan’s mother is Nan Rao by the way. Her storyline reminded me of some dramas where the child would be traveling around the world and she would meet two or three men who knew her mother.
They play around the question “who’s the father”. ‘Your mother was close to this one, but she eloped with that one’. I remember it happened in Ashes Of Love for example, when Ji Mi didn’t even know her father. They were playing around that. Storylines like this sometimes bore me. I was just interested in the ending. Love’s Rebellion has an open ending, that’s what I have seen because we can’t be sure if that person is really alive or it was an illusion. It’s the same as Mirror Tale Of Twin Cities and even Thousand Years For You. As long as it’s not a tragic ending, I’m fine with it.
To conclude this review, I’m disappointed in this drama. I feel like they could’ve done better with their script or trim the episodes down to 24 since the script lacked. There’s nothing bad about the cast and their talents, the script ruined everything for them. If you watched this drama, how was it?