Title: Detective Dee and the Phantom of Waning Moon
Chinese Title: 狄仁杰之通天玄案 / Di Ren Jie Zhi Tong Tian Xuan An
Release Date: 24 February 2024
Genres: Action, Thriller, Historical, Mystery
Director: Tong Hui
Watch on Daiymotion and iQiyi
Detective Dee and the Phantom of Waning Moon Synopsis
During the Tang Dynasty, Princess Tai Ping dreams of riding a “Silver Snow White Horse” in a “dreamland under the moon”. Xuan Ji, a female diviner, interprets the dream, revealing that the white horse represents a “celestial horse”, making the princess’s dream a reality. Meanwhile, the renowned detective Di Ren Jie solves a “massacre case”, which turns out to be a tragic event caused by the “celestial horse”.
Detective Dee and the Phantom of Waning Moon Cast
Wei Wei as Di Ren Jie / Detective Dee
Gao Yang as Jin Xiao Feng
Yumiko Cheng as Xuan Ji
Liang Yuan as Princess Tai Ping
Evan Wu as Lu Peng
Shen Xue Wei as Feng Qing
Nie Xin Yuan as Huo Gang