Title: The Mystery of Humanoid Puppet
Chinese Title: 狄仁杰·通天人偶 / Di Ren Jie Zhi Tong Tian Ren Ou / Di Ren Jie: Tong Tian Ren Ou
Release Date: 13 July 2024
Genres: Action, Thriller, Historical, Mystery
Director: Hai Tao
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The Mystery of Humanoid Puppet Synopsis
After occurrences of a bizarre fire in Luoyang palace, incredible puppetry skills, the Kunlun sacred tree that has been frozen for a thousand years, a shocking, bloodthirsty murder case, Wu Ze Tian’s mysterious Plum Blossom Shadow Guard… suddenly two Wu Ze Tians appear in the world at the same time, and a series of unsolved and intertwined cases emerge. Watch how Di Ren Jie peels off the layers to uncover the hidden, shocking conspiracy.
The Mystery of Humanoid Puppet Cast
Dylan Kuo as Di Ren Jie
Kimmy Tong as Jiang Yue/Wu Zetian
Yu Xiao Bin as Bai Chong Wen
Ken Lok as Shangguan Qiu
Zhang Ming Ming as Helan Min Zhi