Title: Love on the Edge of Divorce
Chinese Title: 爱在离婚进行时 / Ai Zai Li Hun Jin Xing Shi
Broadcast Network: Tencent
Broadcast Date: 09 January 2025
Genre: Romance
Director: Liu Tan
Episodes: 31
Love on the Edge of Divorce Synopsis
A business marriage. The two people who had never met each other wanted to end their loveless marriage three years later. Due to some strange circumstances, they failed to meet many times, but they had an intimate relationship due to an accident.
When they met again, their wrong emotional expressions deepened their misunderstanding of each other. Fu Yancheng regretted it when he learned that Sheng Mian was Penny and was pregnant. He tried his best to save the relationship. The two resolved their misunderstanding, confirmed their true feelings for each other, and decided to spend their lives together.
Love on the Edge of Divorce Cast
Ren Shi Hao as Fu Yancheng
Li Xing Yao as Sheng Mian
Li Zhi Fan as Liang Hanqing
Shi Rui Yi as Xiao Chuqing
Zhuang Jing Han as Sheng Weiyuan