Title: Kun In The Distant Ocean
Chinese Title: 北冥有鲲 / Bei Ming You Kun
Release Date: 11 February 2024
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Cai Guo Li
Film Runtime: 75 minutes
Watch on YouTube or YouKu or Bilibili or iQiyi
Kun In The Distant Ocean Synopsis
As the divine sea prince’s bride, Ali maintains a youthful appearance. Many human girls voluntarily sacrifice themselves and compete to become the divine sea prince’s bride.
The young girl Ling Yu mistakenly enters the forbidden area of the Divine Sea Clan with her sister and encounters two princes: one ugly and the other beautiful, one real and the other fake. She is even involved in the conspiracy of the divine sea prince’s couple being sealed in ice in the underground palace. Countless sacrificial brides are sealed shut in ice coffins and turned into the living dead.
The giant snake demon of the Black Snake Forest reappears and the giant Kun fish breaks through the sea and kills people by swallowing them whole. It is hard to discern if the divine sea prince is good or evil, and what would happen of the mistaken love between him and the two sisters of a fisherman family?
Kun In The Distant Ocean Cast
June Wu as Crown Prince Jin
Zhu Sheng Yi as Ling Yu
Xiao Xiang Fei as Xuan
Wang Yi Tong as Lao Wang Fei
Ren Qing Na Mu as Ling He [Ling Yu’s elder sister]
Xu Shao Ze as Prince Jing
Huang Tao as Yan [Sea God]
Yan Ling Yun as Ming Zhang Lao
Ding He as Gui Zhang Lao
Wang Kai Lin as Qing Feng
Chen Ming as Jing Zhang Lao