Drama: Peach Blossoms Heroine (Xu Xiaonuo, Hou Li, Zheng Huixin, Quan Peilun)

Drama: Peach Blossoms Heroine (Xu Xiaonuo, Hou Li, Zheng Huixin, Quan Peilun)

Title: Peach Blossoms Heroine

Chinese Title: 戏精女主桃花多 / Xi Jing Nu Zhu Tao Hua Duo

Broadcast Website: Tencent

Broadcast Date: August 23, 2022

Genre: Historical, Romance, Short Drama, Tianchong, Time Travel

Language: Mandarin

Episodes: 26

Director: Wen Hongyi

Production Company: Tencent Video, RY Film, Ximalaya

Executive Producer: Li Ruixue, Yang Ali, Wang Ying

Chief Producer: Wang Hongli, Chen Changyong

Origin: China

Source: Adapted from the novel Di Nv Jiao Fei (嫡女娇妃) by Chang Mian


A celebrity accidentally enters her script to become the cliched sweet and naive heroine.

A modern-day celebrity finds herself stuck in the ancient times as Su Xiangwan, the heroine of a script. Being familiar with the plot, she’s always had a problem with it and thought of changing things to have the perfect ending. In the process, Su Xiangwan gets to know Zhao Rongxian, the King of Yu, in a touching story of two people falling in love.

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