Title: Crime Crackdown
Chinese Title: 扫黑风暴 / Sao Hei Feng Bao
Broadcast Network: Dragon TV, Beijing TV
Broadcast Website: Tencent
Broadcast Date: August 9, 2021
Genre: Crime, Police
Episodes: 28
Director: Wu Bai
Screenwriter: Du Liang
Production Company: Tencent Penguin Pictures, China Changan Publishing & Media, Wu Yuan Culture
Executive Producer: Sun Zhonghuai
Source: Based on real cases
After a series of events that occurred as the “sweeping black” team was stationed in Zhongjiang, former cop Li Chengyang joins hands with young detective Lin Hao to crack down on corruption under the guidance of team leader He Yong.
Li Chengyang (Sun Honglei) used to be a dedicated cop who protected the citizens from the frontlines. However, he has been repeatedly struck down by the so-called “protection umbrellas” of corrupt officials who provide backing to criminal organizations. In order to stop him from pursuing his investigation, Li Chengyang’s direct superior and even the police chief himself frames him for a crime he didn’t commit. When Li Chengyang is freed from prison, he joins in the fight to wipe out the two large forces that have been entrenched in the city for more than ten years to cleanse the political arena in Zhongjiang.