Wang Yibo ” I look forward to countless seven-year appointments in the future.””

Wang Yibo

Can you believe that it has been 7 years since Wang Yibo’ debut in the industry? I really can’t. The Untamed star went to weibo to celebrate his 7th anniversary in the industry with this to say.

“On one day of the seventh year , dreams settled in time, carrying the original aspiration and enthusiasm, and facing the ever-changing new challenges.

The hard work and perseverance carried over the past seven years has catalyzed talents and dreams. He has quietly grown up in countless days and nights, and every step he has taken counts.

In repeated attempts, he is ready to take action, always accepting tricks, and always making break troughs. The current young man, the future can be “7”!

This is the moment that belongs to you, and I look forward to countless seven-year appointments in the future.”

The industry is lucky to have Wang Yibo because he’s one of the most talented actors and he does his work with love. We hope he can live well and keep on entertaining us.

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