Title: Ebola Fighters
Chinese Title: 大国担当之埃博拉前线 / Da Guo Dan Dang Zhi Ai Bo La Qian Xian
Broadcast Network: Beijing TV, Zhejiang TV
Broadcast Website: iQIYI, Tencent, Youku
Broadcast Date: December 8, 2021
Language: Mandarin
Director: Yang Wenjun
Screenwriter: Nan Ke
Production Company: Tencent Penguin Pictures, Infinite
Executive Producer: Mao Yi
Distributor: Fantasy Production, Infinite
Origin: China
Source: A story based on China’s medical aid to Africa to fight the Ebola virus in 2014
With an overarching message about a shared future for mankind, the story depicts China’s efforts to provide medical aid during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. Virologist Zheng Shupeng and China’s medical team engage in an arduous fight against the virus that has claimed many lives and ultimately succeeded in their mission.