Title: “Be Moon” Falling for My Enemy’s Son
Chinese Title: 月色朦胧 / Yue Se Meng Long
Broadcast Network: YouTube, BUMP
Broadcast Date: 06 December 2024
Genre: BL, Romance
Director: Yang An
Screenwriter: Han Fei
Production Company: HBD STUDIO
Episodes: 30
“Be Moon” Falling for My Enemy’s Son Synopsis
The story of Congcong Wang, a young master from a wealthy family, who met the handsome security guard Qinghe Zheng by accident and hired him as a personal bodyguard at a high salary. As they spent time together day and night, they gradually developed feelings for each other.
However, Congcong Wang discovered that Qinghe Zheng was actually his childhood friend Guanyuan Zheng, who approached him under a pseudonym to avenge the murder of his family and planned revenge. After the truth was revealed, Congcong Wang fell into a painful struggle between love and family grievances, while Qinghe Zheng was also entangled in revenge and true love. Where will the fate of the two people, whose emotions and hatred are intertwined, go?
“Be Moon” Falling for My Enemy’s Son Cast
Huang Xuan Wen as Zheng Guanyuan / Zheng Qinghe
Li Cheng Ran as Wang Congcong