Combined Arms

Combined Arms Chinese drama
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Title: Combined Arms

Chinese Title: 合成令 / He Cheng Ling

Broadcast Network: Tencent

Broadcast Date: TBA

Genre: Military

Director: Zhang Tong

Episodes: 36

Combined Arms Synopsis

In 2017, tank soldier Han Jialiang and aviation pilot Lu Yihang encountered a terrorist attack while participating in a military exchange activity in a certain country. The two met in battle and had a misunderstanding.

After returning to China, the two were ordered to participate in the “Sun Wu System” project experiment of the battlefield integrated command platform and began joint training. They repeatedly competed in the confrontation between tanks and helicopters, and experienced various tests such as relocation, earthquake relief, and multi-functional cross-arms technical training.

Finally, they were tempered into steel and grew up on the training ground of the new synthetic experimental battalion. In the exercise, they defeated their old rival, the Blue Army Bobcat Brigade, proving the advancement of the “Sun Wu System”. Later, the two followed the synthetic battalion to be stationed overseas to perform peacekeeping missions. They forged a deep friendship in the test of life and death and grew into excellent commanders of multi-arms synthetic operations.

Combined Arms Cast

Chen Yong Sheng as Han Jialiang
Li Yun Rui as Lu Yihang
Zhou Hao Qi as Guo Shaoheng
Lu Qi as Fang Junliang
Zhou Zheng Jie as Lu Xiaowei
Feng Man as Zhang Beida
Yu Yi Jie as Jin Hu
Li Yu Wei as You Yihua

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