Title: The Little Red Matchmaker
Chinese Title: 天赐小红娘 / Tian Ci Xiao Hong Niang
Broadcast Network: Tencent
Broadcast Date: 02 January 2024
Genre: Xianxia, Romance
Director: Wang Li Xing
Episodes: 24
The Little Red Matchmaker Synopsis
500 years ago, Hongluan and Tianxi fought against the nine-tailed fox. Tianxixing decided to use up his thousand-year soul power to seal the nine-tailed fox for Hongluanxing. Hong Luanxing, who lost her memory, became the old matchmaker Liu Yingying and attacked the reincarnated immortal Jiang Changqing who was under a ruthless curse. At this time, the nine-tailed fox was about to break through the seal. Three lifetimes of love and calamity, a thousand years of destiny.
The Little Red Matchmaker Cast
Lin Xin Yi as Liu Yingying
Tian Xu Ning as Jiang Changqing