Title: Shadow Detective
Chinese Title: 暗影侦探 / An Ying Zhen Tan
Broadcast Network:
Broadcast Date: TBA
Genre: Period, Detective
Director: Zhu Shao Jie
Production Company: Innovation Media Power
Episodes: 36
Shadow Detective Synopsis
Mysteries abound, and shadows follow; the detective’s heart is never broken, and the truth is explored.
Shadow Detective Cast
Wang Xing Yue as Guan Cen
Wu Jia Yi as Lu Yizhen
Shao Wei Tong as Du Linfeng
Zhang Mu Xi as Si Min
Mei Na as Ding Eryi
Rui Wei Hang as A Dong
Gu Yuan Zhen as Wu Xiaoxiao
Ning Xiao Hua as Huo Zhongji