Title: Love In The Desert
Chinese Title: 漠风吟 / Mo Feng Yin
Broadcast Network: iQiyi
Broadcast Date:
Genre: Historical, Romance
Director: He Jia Nan
Stylist: Zeng Ming Hui
Production Company: iQiyi
Adapted from the novel Da Mo Qing Shang (大漠情殇) by Jian An
Love In The Desert Synopsis
During a wedding trip, Huang Beishang met three men who could control the desert at the same time. Her fate was also involved in the struggle between the three men to dominate the desert. However, Huang Beishuang was not willing to be teased by fate. He teamed up with his sister Ge Xinwei to travel between the three major city-states, competing in the desert in both reality and fantasy, stirring up the storm!
Love In The Desert Cast
Hani Kezi as Huang Beishuang
Fang Yi Lun as Huo Qingyun
Gao Yang as Ruo Wen
Guan Chang as Ge Xinwei
Ji Ling Chen as Na Zhan
You Cong as Zhen Qu You Jia
Luo Cheng as Sha Qu