Title: Kunlun Tomb / Candle in the Tomb: Kunlun Shrine
Chinese Title: 鬼吹灯之昆仑神宫 / Gui Chui Deng Zhi Kun Lun Shen Gong
Broadcast Website: Tencent
Broadcast Date: 21 September 2022
Genre: Adventure, Horror, Suspense
Language: Mandarin
Episodes: 18
Director: Fei Zhenxiang
Production Company: Tencent Penguin Pictures, Dream Author, The Seventh Art Pictures
Chief Producer: Guan Hu
Origin: China
Hong Kong antique dealer Ming Shu commissions Hu Bayi, Wang Kaixuan and Shirley Yang to look for the glacier corpse within the demonic kingdom from the legends of King Gesar. Having just escaped the “worm” valley, they embark on a new journey to unravel a curse.
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